Galleria Civica Trento
Visit information
The annexation of the Galleria Civica Trento to the Mart in October 2013 expanded the museum hub dedicated to contemporary art in Trentino: the historic Galleria – which focuses on the 19th and 20th centuries, on contemporary art and architecture – resumed activities in partnership with the Museum and Casa d'Arte Futurista Depero in Rovereto.
The Galleria Civica is also the headquarters of ADAC (Archivio degli artisti contemporanei trentini – Archive of Trentino Contemporary Artists) and operates as a platform for local young artists and architects, combined with its long-standing international and cosmopolitan orientation.
Info and bookings
- T. +39 0461 260224
- Bookings from Italy and from abroad T. +39 0465 670820 *
- * the service is active from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm, on Saturday from 8am to 12pm
On days with free admission, booking is strongly recommended to avoid long waits.
Download the pdf with recommendations for your visit
- General admission
- € 2
- Young people (15 to 26 years)
Over 65
EuregioFamilyPass holders - € 2
- Mart Membership
Under 15 years
School groups and accompanying teachers
People with a disability and carers
Discount holders - Free entry
Every first Sunday of the month from October to March - Free entry
- Single ticket three locations
Mart Rovereto + Casa Depero + Civica Trento - General admission €15
Discount admission €10
How to get to the Galleria Civica
Via Belenzani 44, 38122 Trento TN
Highway A22, exit Trento. Exit the highway and follow the signs for the city centre.
Coming from the south along the South Adige Valley bicycle route, exit at km 23 and continue to the end of the San Lorenzo overpass.
Turn right onto via Andrea Pozzo, continue straight along via delle Orfane and onto via Camillo Benso di Cavour. At the end of the street, in Piazza Duomo, turn left onto Via Rodolfo Belenzani.
The entrance to the Galleria Civica is at number 44.
You can rent an electric bike through the e-bike sharing service.
More information at this link.
Scendi alla stazione ferroviaria di Trento. Gira a destra e percorri via Dogana, costeggiando il parco fino all'incrocio con via Torre Vanga.
Attraversa l'incrocio e dopo 100 mt. gira a sinistra in via Roma. Procedi per circa 100 mt., poi svolta a destra in via Belenzani: la Galleria Civica di Trento si trova sulla tua destra dopo circa 100 mt. In alternativa un servizio taxi è disponibile all'esterno della stazione.
Per info su orari e biglietti visita il sito di Trenitalia o il sito di DeutscheBahn
from saturday 26 oct 2024 | to sunday 09 feb 2025
Galleria Civica Trento
Below are some of the services available at Mart's central location. The complete list can be found in our Service Charter (in Italian). There is also a section for your suggestions. For more information on accessibility visit the section A Museum for all.
A stairlift is available to access lower ground level rooms.
Accessible on the ground floor of the Galleria Civica.
Pet access
Guide dogs are welcome at all locations. No other pets are allowed.
The shop of the Galleria Civica in Trento offers a Mart-designed line of stationery, household and children's items. The creations of some young Italian designers are available on rotation.