Ongoing exhibitions

Mart Rovereto

Adolfo Wildt, "Dux", 1923, Collezione privata.

Art and Fascism

14 Apr - 1 Sep 2024

The exhibition Art and Fascism analyses the variety of complex ways in which the Fascist regime influenced Italian figurative language and used art for propaganda purposes.

Luigi Serafini, "Codex Seraphinianus", tavola

The dream of Luigi Serafini

12 Jul - 20 Oct 2024

The Mart in Rovereto is dedicating an in-depth anthological exhibition to Luigi Serafini on the artist's vast creative activity in the fields of architecture, design, painting, sculpture, graphics, photography and digital art.

Alberto Savinio, Les Rois Mages (I Re Magi), 1929, Olio Su Tela, Mart, Provincia Autonoma Di Trento Soprintendenza Per I Beni Culturali

Surrealismi. From de Chirico to Gaetano Pesce

12 Jul - 20 Oct 2024

On the occasion of the centennial of the Surrealist Movement, the Mart is dedicating an exhibition to Italian fantastic art with more than 150 works by 70 artists.

Felice Tosalli, "Centauretto", 1924, legno di acero, Collezione Banca Ifis

Felice Tosalli. Animals from another dream

28 Mar - 8 Sep 2024

The exhibition traces Felice Tosalli's various fields of activity as a whole, from sculpture, to advertising, to ceramic production, through around 130 works from prestigious public and private collections.
Almost seventy years after his death, the Mart contributes to the rediscovery of a refined artist who was particularly popular with European collectors.

Pietro Gaudenzi, "Maternità", 1932, olio su tavola, Fondazione Cavallini Sgarbi

Pietro Gaudenzi. The virtue of women

14 Apr - 1 Sep 2024

From his formative period in La Spezia, Genoa and Rome to his retirement in Anticoli Corrado, the exhibition offers a broad overview of Pietro Gaudenzi's figurative production, which is alien to the formalisms of the avant-garde.

Building Trentino

Building Trentino

5 Apr - 1 Sep 2024

The exhibition brings together all the projects nominated for the Building Trentino 2024 Prize promoted by CITRAC and the Ordine degli Architetti, Paesaggisti e Conservatori Provincia di Trento. 

Umberto Boccioni, "Nudo di spalle (Controluce)", 1909

The collections

Permanent exhibition

Dedicated to the greatest masterpieces in the museum collections, the permanent exhibition is a journey through one hundred years of art history between avant-garde and tradition, experimentations and returns to order.

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Casa d'Arte Futurista Depero

 Casa Depero. Gli Arazzi

Casa Depero

Via dei Portici 38, 38068 Rovereto (TN)

Casa Depero is a ten-minute walk from Mart, in the elegant historic centre of medieval Rovereto. The only museum founded by a Futurist – Depero himself, in 1957 – as an irreverent, visionary project: innovation, irony, and breaking down of all hierarchies in the arts. One floor at a time, you will discover Fortunato Depero's fantastic universe.

Visit Casa Depero

Galleria Civica, Trento

Annamaria Gelmi, "Giardino", 2010, (dettaglio), Courtesy l’artista

Annamaria Gelmi. The instability of the limit

12 Jul - 06 Oct 2024

In the spaces of the Galleria Civica di Trento, the exhibition dedicated to Annamaria Gelmi is a true homage, retracing the artist's entire career in Italy and abroad.

Albino Rossi. Flowers of silence

Albino Rossi. Flowers of silence

12 Jul - 06 Oct 2024

The Mart is dedicating a solo exhibition to Trentino painter Albino Rossi. On show are around 60 works in small and very small formats, created especially for the exhibition and divided into groups and sequences.