Tickets – Information
General admission Mart
General admission 15€ and discount holders at the Mart also allow entrance to the Casa d'Arte Futurista Depero in Rovereto and the Galleria Civica in Trento. Valid for 2 months.
Discount holders
- A.C.I.
- APC Gold Card
- Archeoclub d’Italia Aps
- CGIL del Trentino
- CRAL dipendenti Provincia di Trento, Comune di Trento, Trentino Sviluppo
- CRER - Circolo Ricreativo Ente Regione T.A.A
- FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano
- Membership Card holders: Arte Sella (only for Mart Rovereto), Centro Trevi Bolzano, MUSE (Card Donor, Card Family&Friends, Card Science Addicted, Card Young and Free), Museion Bolzano, Fondazione Mach Padova, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Fondazione Pirelli HangarBicocca, Fondazione Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Silvio Zanella – Museo MA*GA, MAMbo, Museo Morandi, Membership Pinault Collection, MyMaxxi
- SAIT Carta "In Cooperazione"
- SAT-Società Alpinisti Tridentini
- Spazio Off “33 Trentini Arte 2025”
- Teacher Card Mart
- TOURING Club Italia
- Tridentum Circonvallazione ferroviaria di Trento
- Holders of the entrance ticket to the Vittoriale degli Italiani
- Holders of the entrance ticket to the Parco Guerrieri Gonzaga
- Holders membership card Musei Lombardia, Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta
- Holders of the Garda Trentino Crew Card
- Bosco dei Poeti members
- UIL del Trentino
- Arte Sella visitors, upon presentation of the entrance ticket
- Holders of FLR Card Fondazione Luigi Rovati (from 7/12/2024 to 16/03/2025)
The discount rate of 10€ allows the entrance also to Casa Depero in Rovereto and to The Galleria Civica in Trento. Valid for 2 months.
Discount holders - free entry
- Castello di Rivoli Membership
- Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci Membership
- MACRO Membership
- MAXXI Membership
- Museo d'Arte Moderna Rimoldi di Cortina Membership
- Peggy Guggenheim Collection Membership
- Fondazione Querini Stampalia Membership
- Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo "Insieme per l'arte" Membership
- Gamec Bergamo Membership holders
- Palazzo Strozzi Membership holders
- Arte Sella employees
- InCooperazione Cassa Rurale Alto Garda e Rovereto Card holders
- Disability Card holders
- Museum Pass holders
- Trentino Guest Card holders
- Spazio Off “33 Trentini Arte 2025” (only for Galleria Civica)
- Voucher COOP Italia holders
- Italians living abroad and enrolled in the AIRE of the Trentino municipalities
- ArtCard Deutsche Bank holders
- Verona Card holders
- Holders of FLR Card Fondazione Luigi Rovati (from 6/12/2024 to 3/08/2025)
Cost of the admission ticket for visitors in groups of minimum 15/maximum 30 people (accompanying person excluded) who have booked a guided tour of Mart
Euregio Family Pass and Family Card holders
Fare reserved for families with at least 3 members: included in the cost of a reduced ticket for an accompanying parent, the second parent and child/ren under 18 enter for free.
To purchase online: enter the number of tickets for the number of people in your household (at least 3). To automatically receive your free ticket(s), click on "Buy".
- Family with 3 members (2 parents + 1 child): select 3 "Family card-Euregio Family Pass" tickets, click on "Buy" and the amount will be updated to include the discount.
- Family with x members (2 parents + n children): select x "Family card-Euregio Family Pass" tickets, click on "Buy" and the amount will be updated to include the discount.
Euregio 2Plus Ticket holders
Reduced fare for holders of a Euregio 2Plus travel ticket, intended for adults who are members of families with a maximum of 3 children.
To purchase online: select the "Euregio 2Plus Ticket" fare by entering the number of adult visitors; for each child under 15, select the "Free child" fare.
Family ticket
Fare reserved for families with at least 3 members who do NOT already hold a Family Card or the Euregio Family Pass. To purchase online: select the "Family Ticket” fare, which automatically includes 2 adult tickets and free tickets to children under 18. Enter the number of tickets corresponding to the number of members in your household and click on "Buy".
- Family of 4 (2 adults + 2 children under 18): select 4 "Family Ticket" tickets; click on "Buy" and the amount will be updated to include the discount.
Special Family ticket (Family Sunday)
Rate reserved for special family events. Full calendar available soon.
- Professionals in the Cultural Heritage and Activities sector (Ministry and Agencies)
- Professional tourist guides and interpreters
- Journalists (with professional ID)
- Law enforcement officers
Single ticket three locations
Rate refers to Casa Depero and The Galleria Civica di Trento.
Whole tickets 15 €, reduced and concessions 10 € at Mart already allow the entrance also to Casa d'Arte Futurista Depero in Rovereto and to The Galleria Civica in Trento. Valid for 2 months.