The word in art
20th-century avant-garde research
From Futurism to the present day seen through Mart’s collections

Exhibition - from saturday 10 nov 2007 | to sunday 06 apr 2008

  • Alighiero Boetti, "Afghanistan", 1988-89

    Alighiero Boetti, "Afghanistan", 1988-89

  • Marcel Duchamp, "L'envers de la peinture", 1955 ca., Milano, Collezione Calmarini

    Marcel Duchamp, "L'envers de la peinture", 1955 ca., Milano, Collezione Calmarini

  • Giulio Paolini, "Lo spazio", 1967, Courtesy l'artista

    Giulio Paolini, "Lo spazio", 1967, Courtesy l'artista

  • Chiara Dynys, "Great expectation", 2005, Rovereto, Mart, VAF-Stiftung

    Chiara Dynys, "Great expectation", 2005, Rovereto, Mart, VAF-Stiftung

  • "La parola nell'arte", veduta dell'allestimento, Ph. Mart, Archivio fotografico e Mediateca

    "La parola nell'arte", veduta dell'allestimento, Ph. Mart, Archivio fotografico e Mediateca

  • "La parola nell'arte", veduta dell'allestimento, Ph. Mart, Archivio fotografico e Mediateca

    "La parola nell'arte", veduta dell'allestimento, Ph. Mart, Archivio fotografico e Mediateca

from saturday 10 nov 2007 | to sunday 06 apr 2008
Mart Rovereto

From Futurism to Dadaism and Surrealism to Fluxus and the contemporary scene, the relationship between word and image has given life to the boldest expressive forms, making an original innovative contribution both to painting and to the more traditional forms of written, poetic, literary and artistic text.
With alternating fortune, now rare, now dominant, writing has appeared throughout 20th-century art, and even today the ambiguity of its relationship with the image is as never before at the centre of interest for young artists.
"The word in art" explores this important relationship, opening up fresh avenues of enquiry into artistic work of the 20th century. Thanks to the presence of paintings of the highest quality, drawings, posters, manuscripts, literary works, collages and large installations, with over 800 works on show the exhibition provides an overview of 20th century art from a new critical stance, based not on “fine painting” so much as on “the sublime hybrid of the cross-fertilisation of the languages of art”.

The exhibition is divided into 11 section, in line with a thematic and chronological itinerary, planned to enable further investigation and transverse comparisons with the panorama of contemporary art generally. Following a “prologue” focusing on the first avant-garde movements of the 20th century, the exhibition presents a rich documentation of all of 20th-century art, ending with the latest experiments which find in the relationship between word and the visual arts a fertile terrain for new approaches and interpretations of the contemporary aesthetic experience.

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