Focus | Piero Pompili

Exhibition - from saturday 22 apr 2023 | to sunday 02 jul 2023

  • Piero Pompili, "Morte A Roma"

    Piero Pompili, "Morte A Roma"

from saturday 22 apr 2023 | to sunday 02 jul 2023
General admission €15, discount admission €10 (ticket valid for all current exhibitions)
From an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi. Curated by Denis Isaia with Andrea Iezzi
Mart Rovereto

Piero Pompili was born in Rome in 1967 and grew up in the capital’s suburbs. He has devoted a significant part of his career to portraiture. His favourite subject are the bodies of boxers from the suburbs of central and southern Italy, and today we present a selection taken from over twenty years of his time spent in suburban gyms.

In Pompili’s photographs, the peripheries of big cities correspond to the peripheries of the soul. His boxers establish their identities through their bodies and physical prowess, their discipline and muscular beauty. In Pompili’s shots, the markings, tattoos and scars become the pages of the boxers’ diaries.

The photographs follow the ancient code of Greek and Roman statuary and recount the most inspiring theme of the popular epic. Pompili brings gods and men together in the same narrative: full of strength and beauty, yet overwhelmed by life and the bitter truths that do not befall the gods.

The exhibition of Piero Pompili’s work is accompanied by a sculpture of a boxer by Romeo Gregori (Carrara 1900 - Rome 1940) that recently became part of the Museum’s holdings, and a twin sculpture by the same artist, from a private collection.

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